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Moreau’s Makery is about helping people make memories through creativity.

What We Do

Our main goal is to build memories with our own children and share those experiences with others through the items we sell! We enjoy building amazing wooden pieces of art and sharing them with others.


The Builder, Bradley Moreau

My woodworking journey started like a lot of other woodworking journeys… Got married. We bought a house and needed some furniture to fill it. Eventually, we had kids and they wanted toys, so I built them some. Then others wanted the same toys my kids had for their own kids… so I built some more. I created a website and actually sold some. In the end, does that make me a wood worker? Yes… I believe so. Or at least someone that gets to go out to his garage daily and play around with power tools. (big grunt) Whatever the case, it has been an exciting journey so far and I look forward to continuing it with my sons that have started to take an interest.



“The chief enemy of creativity is good sense”

— Pablo Picasso